Hedrick Church of God Abrahamic Faith
942 S Adams St Williamsport, IN 47993
(Located in Hedrick Indiana)
Regular Meetings
9:45am Sunday School
11am Worship Service (Children's Church during sermon)
7pm Bible Study
Our Mission Statement
“Go into all our world and show the love of God!”
Statement of Faith
We, the Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith, believe in the one and only living God, Who created the heavens and the earth; Whose only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, existing only from his birth, was crucified for our transgressions, buried, and rose the third day for our justification, to sit at the right hand of God our Father.
We believe in the sleep of the dead, the resurrection at Christ's second coming, the transformation of the living, and the judgment of all mankind.
We believe in repentance, baptism by immersion for forgiveness of sin, holy living, the fellowship of Christians and that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
(Adopted from Resurrection Hope Church of God (Abrahamic Faith) Lenoir, North Carolina)